RHIT certified professionals are health information technicians who:

Ensure the quality of medical records.

Verify the completeness, accuracy, and proper entry into computer systems.

Assemble and analyze patient data to improve patient care or control costs.

Specializes in coding diagnoses and procedures in patient records.

An additional role for RHITs is compiling and maintaining cancer patients data.

After years of working experience, RHIT credential holds substantial potential for advancement to management positions. 

The exam

Exam Specifications

  • 150 four-option, multiple-choice question
  • 3.5 hour exam duration.
  • 20 pretest questions.

The RHIT Exam

The pretest questions, however, do not affect a candidate’s score.

The pretest questions are placed throughout the examination and are unidentifiable during the exam.


RHIT certification exam is based on an explicit set of competencies. These competencies have been determined through a job analysis conducted by practitioners. The skills are subdivided into domains, subdomains, and tasks.

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